Michael's Place

Friday, February 16, 2007

More Woman Warrior Quotes

In the book we are reading "the woman warrior" a young girl is told that her aunt commited suicide because she was impregnated my a man who wasn't her husband. In the story she runs through many situations for why this could have happened. In each situation she imagine's her aunt in a new way and we are supposed to find out what her descriptions of her aunt say about her.
In one situation she imagine's her aunt like this: "It could very well have been that, however that my aunt did not take subtle enjoyment of her friend, but, a wild woman, kept rollicking company. Imagining her free with sex doesn't fit, though. I don't know any woman like that, or men." This shows two things, one, she is very open-minded thinking about how sex was very well apart of her aunt's situation and that she could have been very promiscuous which is what caused this. Not many young teens would jump to this conclusion very quickly especially if they did not know anyone like this. Second, she does not see this as a very valid conclusioin because she doesn't know anyone like this. This shows that she is surrounded by a culture that is very proper and very unforgiving. This also shows that she only thinks things could be possible if she knows of them through her own experience. If something doesn't happen in her culture she doesn't see how it could happen in anyone else's.
In another situation she imagines her aunt like this: "He was not a stranger because the village housed no strangers. She had to have dealings with him other than sex...His demand must have surprised, then terrified her. She obeyed him; she always did as she was told." This shows that she is in a very small village where everyone knows everyone. She again can't see her aunt as being promiscuous and doing this because she wants to. This also shows that woman have to listen to men at all times. She doesn't want to see this situation as all her aunt's fault.
In both situations she doesn't think that woman would go off and have sex with a man that's not their husband just because they wanted to. There has to have been reason she would have done this. She grew up with all woman being and proper and faithful so she can't see any woman be improper or unfaithful.


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