Michael's Place

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Vocab for "At The Western Palace"

-Nauseating: to cause to feel extreme disgust. (p. 131)
-Demure: characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved. (p. 133)
-Annotated: to supply with critical or explanatory notes; comment upon in notes (p. 133)
-Tiers: A rank or class. (p. 135)
-Benevolent: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. (p. 136)
-Exasperated: to irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely. (p. 137)
-Proprietress: a woman who owns a business establishment. (p. 138)
-Connive: to cooperate secretly; conspire.
-Gesticulating: to make or use gestures, esp. in an animated or excited manner with or instead of speech. (p. 148)
-Waylay: to intercept or attack from ambush, as in order to rob, seize, or slay. (p. 149)
-Seeped: To pass slowly through small openings or pores; ooze. (p. 151)
-Guile: insidious cunning in attaining a goal; crafty or artful deception; duplicity. (p. 153)
-Dappled: a spot or mottled marking, usually occurring in clusters. (p. 153)

The words in this chapter tell us that this chapter is about work; more importantly, a chinese woman's work in America. The word proprietress lets us know that maxine's mom owns her own business. Words like such as nauseating and exasperated show us that the work she does along with the work that most new immigrants get is very hard and tiring.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hawaiian Ghost Story

In the book that we are reading "The Woman Warrior" there has been a lot of talk about what ghosts mean in china. Here in Hawaii there are many ghost stories about almost every single school on the island being haunted by at least one ghost. Here is an example of one of those haunted schools in Hawaii story's. Enjoy.
To give a history detail of the two schools I went to is that both elementary and middle school were across one another and both were buried under ancient Hawaiian burial graves. Many things have occured and stories about the schools have been passed down by teachers.
I use to attend Aliamanu Elementary and Aliamanu Intermediate School. It was Halloween night and my friends and I decided to see if the schools were both haunted. We heard many stories about how a mother and a child were both killed in the fields next to my school and that their hands were chopped off, another is the instruments in the band room and the music room of both school will play by itself at night.
My friends and I decided to walk towards the old stairway leading to the schools it was 1:00a.m. at night. We already had our candy from trick or treating and we wanted to investigate whether the stories about the old school were true. Now in the school everything is locked up and there is a gate that is about 30 ft high and no one can enter or leave since the gate covers all around and there is brick that hold it together. It is like a prison cell gate. Anyway, My friends and I decided to walk down the stairs when we started to notice that the school yard seemed to have elongated then as we approached the middle we started hearing loud drums and instruments in both the elementary school and the intermediate school we ended up running back up the stairs to be safe. We came back to the steps and decided to talk but out of nowhere we noticed that one of the portable lights that was white in color turned to red instantly and it freaked us all out we decided to wait and see what happened.
What happened amazed us because we looked at the gates where no one can enter or leave and saw a misty white figure looked like a girl and heard a loud scream asking for help. My friends and i decided to go down and see if we could help and when we got to the middle of the school yard we started to hear laughing and we stopped in out tracks. It wasn't a pleasant laugh it was an evil malicious laugh and it brought us goose bumps. To our amazement we ended up running back to the stairwell as fast as we could because something didn't feel right. We ran to the nearest park and decided to calm down. After awhile, we went back to see the school before going home. It was around 2:15 a.m. and the red light was gone and everything was back to normal.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Vocab for shaman

-Largess: generous bestowal of gifts. (p. 62)
-Ford: a place where a river or other body of water is shallow enough to be crossed by wading. (p. 65)
-Impertinent: intrusive or presumptuous, as persons or their actions; insolently rude. (p. 66)
-Disdainful: full of or showing disdain; scornful. (p. 66)
-Adamantine: utterly unyielding or firm in attitude or opinion. (p. 67)
-Pared: to cut off the outer coating, layer, or part of. (p. 68)
-Ferule: Also, ferula. a rod, cane, or flat piece of wood for punishing children, esp. by striking them on the hand. (p. 70)
-Sentient: having the power of perception by the senses; conscious. (p. 71)
-Surfeited: To feed or supply to excess, satiety, or disgust. (p. 74)
-Braggarts: One given to loud, empty boasting; a bragger. (p. 79)
-Felicitous: having a special ability for suitable manner or expression, as a person. (p. 80)
-Pantomimed: the art or technique of conveying emotions, actions, feelings, etc., by gestures without speech. (p. 81)

The words in this chapter tell us a lot about the character and the values of the chinese woman. When maxines mom tells one of the girls that she's rooming with that there are no such things as ghosts, the girl is impertinent by not letting her mom finish and she has a disdained look on her face. Her mom on the other hand, inspite of being the only one who believes the way that she does stays adamantine. This shows that chinese woman stand strong in their beliefs when they are confronted with things that they don't believe are true. Also, from words such as braggart and pantomimed, we can tell that this chapter has a lot to do with emotions.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

vocab continued

-Palanquins: A covered litter carried on poles on the shoulders of four or more bearers, formerly used in eastern Asia. (p. 38)
-Paisley: a soft woolen fabric woven with a pattern of colorful and minutely detailed figures. (p. 40)
-Fontanel: one of the spaces, covered by membrane, between the bones of the fetal or young skull. (p. 40)
-Palpable: readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived, etc.; obvious; evident (p. 41)
-tatters: a torn piece hanging loose from the main part, as of a garment or flag. (p.42)
-abacus: a device for making arithmetic calculations, consisting of a frame set with rods on which balls or beads are moved. (p. 43)
-Reprieve: to delay the impending punishment or sentence of (a condemned person). (p. 44)
-Deigned: To think it appropriate to one's dignity; condescend (p. 48)
-Opulent: wealthy, rich, or affluent. (p. 49)

In this chapter, just from the words, we can tell that this story is has to do with battle and leaders. Words such as palanquins and opulent can be used to describe a leader of the group. Words such as reprieve and deigned can be used to describe war in which people are captured and people talk badly about eachother.