Michael's Place

Monday, March 12, 2007

Vocab for shaman

-Largess: generous bestowal of gifts. (p. 62)
-Ford: a place where a river or other body of water is shallow enough to be crossed by wading. (p. 65)
-Impertinent: intrusive or presumptuous, as persons or their actions; insolently rude. (p. 66)
-Disdainful: full of or showing disdain; scornful. (p. 66)
-Adamantine: utterly unyielding or firm in attitude or opinion. (p. 67)
-Pared: to cut off the outer coating, layer, or part of. (p. 68)
-Ferule: Also, ferula. a rod, cane, or flat piece of wood for punishing children, esp. by striking them on the hand. (p. 70)
-Sentient: having the power of perception by the senses; conscious. (p. 71)
-Surfeited: To feed or supply to excess, satiety, or disgust. (p. 74)
-Braggarts: One given to loud, empty boasting; a bragger. (p. 79)
-Felicitous: having a special ability for suitable manner or expression, as a person. (p. 80)
-Pantomimed: the art or technique of conveying emotions, actions, feelings, etc., by gestures without speech. (p. 81)

The words in this chapter tell us a lot about the character and the values of the chinese woman. When maxines mom tells one of the girls that she's rooming with that there are no such things as ghosts, the girl is impertinent by not letting her mom finish and she has a disdained look on her face. Her mom on the other hand, inspite of being the only one who believes the way that she does stays adamantine. This shows that chinese woman stand strong in their beliefs when they are confronted with things that they don't believe are true. Also, from words such as braggart and pantomimed, we can tell that this chapter has a lot to do with emotions.


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