Michael's Place

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Scene and Characters for A Midsummer's Night Dream

I think that the two characters I would like to the play the most would either be Puck or Bottom. Those two provide most of the comedy of all the characters. Bottom has a very funny voice and has many ideas of how to solve problems. Puck can change into anything he wants in order to play tricks on people. I personally would not mind having this trait so I think it would be very interesting to play someone who does this. I think that both Puck and Bottom are the funniest of all the characters and therefore would be the most fun to play.
Although these characters would be fun to play they would also be very tricky to play because of the way they change their voices or bodies. I think that bottom would be played as someone who is very loud and always speaks his mind. He is always the first person to answer a question and even though he does it in a funny way, his answer is usually very helpful. One of the reasons he gets so many laughs is because of the way he exaggerates the voices. When ever he talks as a girl he talks very, very high. And whenever he talks as another guy he talks very, very low. This overemphasis makes the play a lot funnier and Bottom's character a lot more fun to play. Puck is very mischivous. He always likes to play jokes no matter how much harm it may cause or even when he does it on accident he still laughs about it. His job is to make Oberon laugh, however, he seems to try to make himself laugh more than Oberon. Puck can also change shapes which is a great way to play a pramk on someone. Puck enjoys the thing he can do better than anyone else which makes it even more enjoyable for him. Overall, Puck may be a bit cruel, but he merely thinks that everyone will find the same things that he finds funny, funny as well. This causes him to be a bit more cruel and michivous than he needs to be.
For Bottom I think the scene that I would like to do the most would be in Act 1, Scene 2; lines 68-107. This is where Quince is handing out parts and Bottom wants to play each one. This is a great scene that shows Bottom's over-the-topness and how good he is at playing all different parts and how his voice can change so dramatically. Another scene that Would be fun to play as Bottom is in Act 3, Scene 1; lines 121-164. In this part, Puck has just turned Bottom's Face into an ass and then Titinia wakes up and falls in love with Bottom whose face is an ass. This part is one of the funniest in the book so far and shows how quick Bottom can change his mind. At first he doesn't believe that Titinia could actually like him but then very soon he changes his mind and starts to love this new attention.
The scene I'd like to play for Puck is the beginning of Act 3, Scene 2; lines 6-37. This part is when Puck reports to Oberon that Titinia has fallen in love with an ass. This part shows all the sides of Puck. How he is so happy to acomplish hi job. How funny he thinks it is that she is in love with an ass. And while he reports you can tell how happy he is by his voice that gets very high and very excited. This part shows how mischivous Puck is and how much he enjoys messing with people.


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